Selling goods and services to customers who have already made a purchase from you is much easier than selling to brand new customers. Encourage repeat business by staying in contact via email and SMS text messages. Using these forms of marketing, you can send discounts, updates about new products and services, or encourage people to visit your website to learn more about the goods and services you provide.

Building a loyal customer base takes time and effort, but it’s worth it in the long run. Take the time to get to know your customers and communicate with them on a regular basis. Reap the benefits of regular sales and become inspired to create new products/services equally as valuable as the ones you already provide. Regular customers can help you improve your business in many ways. Take advantage of this relationship and use it to build a better business.

Miss You!

If a customer hasn’t made a purchase in a month or two, send a short text message encouraging them to visit your website or place of business. Include your business name, website address, or business location. Mention any special sales or deals you’re currently promoting.

Send a follow-up message a few days after your initial message to further encourage people to revisit your website or business location.

How About This?

Send a short message containing a link or brief description about products/services similar to items that customers purchased in the past. Send SMS notifications about upcoming sales for these same products/services. Maintaining contact with customers is important as there are many other businesses trying to do the same. But if customers were satisfied with their purchase, they will look to your business first when it’s time to buy again.

What Do You Think?

Send a short survey or poll asking customers specific questions pertaining to their recent purchase. Determine overall satisfaction, whether customers plan to make future purchases, and if customers want to offer any suggestions or comments. Getting feedback from customers is important as this information can guide you in many ways when it comes to running a successful business.