Texta provides its users with clear, quick, easy to understand Analytics. Although not really needed, here’s a break down for you.

Sent – Number of messages sent

failed – If you try to send to a number that does not exist on the phone network, this will show as a failed send. This will be show as the number of messages that have failed and a percentage failed against those sent.

unique reply – Shows the number of people that have replied to your message. If someone replies twice or more from the same mobile phone number, replies will only count as one reply. This will be show as the number of unique reply messages and a percentage unique reply against those sent.

links clicked – Only applies to those SMS campaigns that have a link added to them. Counts the number of time that the link has been clicked. If the same user clicks the link 3 times then 3 clicks will be added to the count. This will show as the number of clicks and a percentage of clicks against those sent.

unique clicks – Only applies to those SMS campaigns that have a link added to them. Counts the number unique clicks on the link. If the same user clciks the link 3 times, only 1 click is added to the count. This will show as the number of unique clicks and a percentage of clicks against those sent.

unsubscribes – count showing those that have unsubscribed after reading this message. This will show as the number of unsubscribes and a percentage of unsubscribes against those sent.

Note: by clicking on any of the counts, you will be able to see details of those that make up the count or download these contacts.