Grow Your Small Business with SMS

As a small business owner, you need to keep marketing costs low to remain profitable. One way to keep costs down is to use text messages to get your business name out there. Using a text message service, you can send mass text messages to customers and clients for much less than sending direct mail such as a brochure, postcard or flier.

Uses for SMS

Use SMS marketing to get more people to visit your business or website. Sending periodic text messages also allows you to remind people that your business still exists.

Build an SMS List

Build your SMS list by encouraging customers and clients who visit your business to sign up. Keep a sign-up list at check-out areas and ask people to fill it out while they pay for their items or services.

Other ways to build a text message list include:

  • Adding a sign-up box on your website
  • Sending an email message asking subscribers to provide mobile phone information
  • Posting sign-up information on your social media pages
  • Posting sign-up information on your blog

As more and more people rely on their smartphones to check email and browse the Internet, SMS marketing continues to grow in popularity.

Sending SMS Notifications

As your business grows, keep customers and clients informed by sending periodic notifications via text message. Keep messages short and make sure they pertain to your business. Product announcements, new products/service, special events, payment reminders and changes to business operations (hours, return policies, customer services policies) are just some of the ways you can use SMS to maintain contact.

Encourage people to stop by, shop online or make timely payments using text messages. Instead of spending hours on the phone making these types of calls, you can easily send a short text message.


Maintaining Contact and Adding Value

Maintaining contact with customers and clients reminds them that you’re still in business and ready to serve them. By sending reminders, new product/service information and other information, you’re adding value to the customer experience. This means a lot of people, especially those who are busy, but still interested in what your business has to offer.